Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 1 - FIT TEST.

Came home today and my Insanity was here!  I wasn't expecting it but so happy to see it. 
Perhaps doing the Fit Test when my stomach was already a little queasy wasn't such a good idea (but i was determined to start on a Monday so Sunday can be my rest day)... b/c half way through it, i puked!  A workout has never made me vomit before, but Insanity, living up to its name, DID.  I feel awful.
I'm going to start with workout one tomorrow though.

I went ahead and did measurements and pictures today, so here they are. (I wasn't sure where the proper place to measure from was on each body part, so I just guessed)  I decided against weighing myself today.. b/c i just wasn't in the mood to see a high number on the scale.

Waist (one inch above navel): 29.5 in
hips: 37 in
arms: 12 in
thigh: 24in


  1. Nice pics! And wow your arms are small. My measurement started at 17 inches LOL!
    (ps, I'm jealous of your tub. It looks nice and roomy!)

  2. susie - you can come use my tub any time you want - it sure doesn't get used by me!!!
