Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 4

I made it to day 4 and i'm doing well and enjoying it.  Insanity is actually not as hard as I made it out to be in my head.  I can keep up with *most* things and he gives you plenty of water breaks when you feel like you're about to die. 
My calves are killing me though, which is exciting, b/c i have NO calf muscles and i'm hoping this means i'll be building some!
I bought whey protein yesterday and hope that makes a difference with my recovery and muscle building. 
No other news.  Too early to see results.  I'll probably take measurements and another picture at the start of next week just for tracking, but dont expect to see anything.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 2

Went well!  Shawn T knows how to kick your butt but I really enjoyed it.  As soon as you feel like you're going to die, he gives you a water break.  Any workout that includes short breaks here and here is do-able.

My biggest issue is going to be food.  I think i'm going to go look into whey protein. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 1 - FIT TEST.

Came home today and my Insanity was here!  I wasn't expecting it but so happy to see it. 
Perhaps doing the Fit Test when my stomach was already a little queasy wasn't such a good idea (but i was determined to start on a Monday so Sunday can be my rest day)... b/c half way through it, i puked!  A workout has never made me vomit before, but Insanity, living up to its name, DID.  I feel awful.
I'm going to start with workout one tomorrow though.

I went ahead and did measurements and pictures today, so here they are. (I wasn't sure where the proper place to measure from was on each body part, so I just guessed)  I decided against weighing myself today.. b/c i just wasn't in the mood to see a high number on the scale.

Waist (one inch above navel): 29.5 in
hips: 37 in
arms: 12 in
thigh: 24in

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Waiting, waiting, waiting

I'm kind of frustrated with BeachBody today.  I placed my order Monday thinking I should get my package Friday or Saturday and be able to start on Monday.  (they say allow 5-7 days for delivery).  But, I just got an email today (thursay) saying my order has been processed.  WHEN it ships out, pls allow 5-7 days for delivery.  UGH!  This messes up my system.  I wanted to work out mon-sat and have my rest day on Sunday.  Plus, i've been eating everything in sight the past couple of days and am starting to feel fat and I really want to get on this workout!!!

Anywho... I went out and bought a tape measure yesterday so I'll be taking my measurements in the next few days and post my first pictures and measurements as my starting point.

C'mon Insanity - GET HERE!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Just placed my order!

Here's a little about me.  I'm turning 29 this summer and that means i'm 1 year away from the big 3-0!!!  I dont mind turning 30, i'm actually looking forward to it.  I think it'll be the best years of my life!  BUT, I also want to be in the best shape of my life!  About a year ago I noticed my body starting to change.  Granted, I've never been a twig.  I've always had curves and thanks to horseback riding, i've been blessed with thighs and an ass!  But, I've never had to do much to maintain my weight.  I've always worked out a little, eaten decently, but would never turn down the pizza or a bowl of icecream.  I've been blessed never to carry or gain weight around my stomach... until the past year.  Thats where I see the changes.  My stomach is still flat (thank goodness!) but I can see it starting to hold more fat than ever before.  I can see my arms getting a little bigger.  My pants don't seem to fit quite as well, even though i'm now working out almost daily and eating better than I probably have in my entire life!  SO FRUSTRATING! 
So, i obviously need to change something.  I need to give my body the kick start it needs to make the changes I want to see.  As of right now I work out in the gym most mornings, usually on the eliptical, and on the weekends we might go hiking with the family. For breakfast I have my coffee, fruit, and/or a hard boiled egg.  Lunch is almost always a salad.  At night I do try to have a normal dinner, b/c I do have a husband and 6 yr old daughter that need to eat too! 
I was at the gym the other morning and the infomercial for Insanity came on and somethign clicked.  I was like, thats it, thats the program I need!!!  I am terrifed of it but really excited to start.  I decided to make this blog and will include pictures of my progress to really hold me accountable. 
I will post pictures weekly and do measurements as well.  Not sure if I want to weigh myself.. b/c I might get depressed if I see that number going UP.
So follow along or join in!!  I'd love to meet people going on the same journey I am!!!